This model, Hope Yoders, a 21-year-old
photography student from Florida, caught my eye
on Me In My Place. She reminds
me a little of Mal Malloy, and when I read up on
her, the similarities were even more apparent.
From her self description:
I am short that’s all there is to it. I’m barely
5’2” and come from a family of hourglass shaped
women with a tendency to put on weight on our
bottoms and tummies. I’ve struggled with my own
perceptions of my weight as well as outside
pressure from society and within my own family.
Mal is around the same height and also comes from a
family of pear-shaped women, on her mom’s side.
Anyone remember her story of the seven year olds
making fun of her butt from the David Boring review?
Olivia is considering her own beauty tips blog and we
thought that even though this plays to a slightly
different audience than the typical Indosplace crowd,
some of you guys mightstill
be a little interested in what's going on here too.