It looks like Christi K, who I photographed
last year, is ready to show off that bodacious
bod that was, at least initially, one of the
draws for my shoot with her. I never felt my pictures really
did Christi’s figure justice, for whatever
reason. This video, however, is one of the
better displays I’ve seen of her voluptuousness.
The video is by Young De for those
interested. Carol Seleme pops up toward
the end of the video and it’s interesting to see
the two of them onscreen together. I would
suggest watching the 1080p version for maximum…
While I believe I may have posted some interview of
Carol once before, I know I
haven't of Christi. I think she has a
very nice, fresh screen appeal. Both clips give
you an idea of what these beauties are like
behind the scenes. Click image for video. (Note:
videos are in 1080p HD format)
One of the best images I've ever seen of Christi K... Interesting
factoid: Christi doesn't have many images
floating around out there on the net - hence the
These are new images of the beautiful Christiane Kroll taken by
talented LA photographer Ryan Astamendi and retouched
by me. Ryan has his own blog, which has more
excellent images. I really like these pics.
Christi's classic good looks are just going to
get better with time. Click to enlarge -
Bonus picadded 10/6/11...
I've spent most of my photographic "career" trying to
cast curvy models in a more commercial, mainstream
light. This might have been one of my more successful
attempts. Additional Carol Seleme Daniel photo added
The daughter of a foreign diplomat, Christiane K was born in
Denmark, spent several years in Spain, and is
fluent in three languages. She can also put a
man down in 5 seconds flat with one of those
iPhone cases.... Well, that's not really true.
Nonetheless, this international
beauty will kick your butt if you try to
relegate her to the position of arm candy. "The
feminist in me has been surfacing a lot more
since I moved to Los Angeles," says Christi.
"It’s a shame that girls feel they have to flirt
or act like groupies in order to get places and
meet the right people...I had one guy invite me
along for a night out with some people and he
tried to tell me what to wear - to make sure it
was sexy enough. I was offended."
This Danish beauty may have strong opinions, but she
also has an open mind and is currently dating an
African American man. Christiane is represented by
the Alvarado Rey Agency and will
be prominently featured in an upcoming Coca Cola
campain, so look out for her. Also, stay tuned
for more pics of her from my shoot in Venice.
(Click first image below to see full sized